Prosecutors and police visited the family of brothers Amrozi, 47, and Mukhlas, 48, in this east Java village and warned them to prepare for bad news.
"We were just here to tell the family to get ready for when the executions take place," chief district prosecutor Irnensis said after speaking to the family for about 30 minutes.
He made no further comment and did not specify when the [patsy] three bombers - Amrozi, Mukhlas and Imam Samudra, 38 - would be executed by firing squad.
Indonesian officials have said only that the executions will take place in "early November."
The bombers were sentenced in 2003 for the [ CIA, call to arms, false flag] attack which killed 205 people, mostly foreign tourists including 88 Australians.
Bali bombers put to death
By Indonesia correspondent Geoff Thompson, wires
The Bali bombers have reportedly been executed by firing squad for their involvement in the 2002 bombings which killed more than 202 people, including 88 Australians.
Just before midnight (local time), news emerged from inside the Bali bomber's prison on Nusakambangan Island in Central Java that the three men - Imam Samudra, 38, Amrozi, 47, and Mukhlas - were killed.
A TV station there also cited an official source as saying that the three Islamists were put to death within the last hour.
The family of Mukhlas and Samudra have also confirmed they were executed at midnight.
But authorities in Jakarta are refusing to confirm the executions.
Sources within Nusakambangan prison have confirmed that at least one body has been brought back to a prison clinic to be prepared for burial later today.
An unnamed intelligence source said that "they are all dead".
In Jakarta, a spokesman for Indonesia's Attorney-General's office, Jasman Pandjaitan, would not confirm the executions and said he was still awaiting confirmation from the field.
The three men were sentenced over the attacks five years ago.
Earlier the men had reportedly been taken from their cells to an isolated field about four kilometres from the prison, strapped to wooden poles, and then each shot in the heart.
The bodies of the three men will be taken to their home villages for burial later today.
A helicopter will take the remains of Imam Samudra to his village of Serang in West Java.
The executions have been repeatedly delayed by a series of failed appeals and most recently, by the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in September.
In a statement issued by their lawyers before the executions, the men said their blood would "become the light for the faithful ones and burning hellfire for the infidels and hypocrites".
In an earlier interview, the militants said their only regret was that some Muslims were killed in the blasts.
The two explosions on Bali's Kuta strip on October 12, 2002 - one at Paddy's Bar and the other at the Sari Club - dealt a severe blow to the island's tourist industry.
Travel warning
Yesterday Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith said the Government was reissuing its travel warning for Indonesia.
People are being warned to reconsider any travel to Indonesia and Bali due to the possibility of reprisal attacks.
Mr Smith says the Government is aware that a large number of Australian students are planning to go to Indonesia for schoolies week from mid-November.
He says they want students and parents to be aware that reprisals could occur.
"The executions could prompt a strong reaction," he said.
"We continue to receive credible information that terrorists could be planning attacks in Indonesia.
"You should exercise great care, particularly around locations such as beaches, bars, malls and other venues associated with foreign interests."
The attacks, [allegedly], by the south-east Asian militant group Jemaah Islamiah (JI), [? TNI, CIA], were intended to deter foreigners as part of a drive to make Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country, part of a larger Islamic caliphate.
Although there have been no major bomb attacks since 2005, Indonesia is still considered at risk.
[Until the next pre-emptive strike on another foreign nation? Or until there is a further need for fear-mongering?]
The Indonesian anti-terrorist unit, Detachment 88, was, [allegedly], involved in a series of raids last year that authorities say, [?] rounded up the heads of JI and its military wing. [?]

Cleric blames CIA for Bali bombing An Indonesian Islamic cleric said the 2002 attack which killed more than 200 people, including 88 Australians, was the work of the CIA. Abu Bakar Bashir says the US intelligence agency had fired a nuclear missile at the Bali tourist strip.
Protest Bali bombers' executions - priest The attack was a conspiracy between "America, Australia and the Jews" and the three convicted bombers - Amrozi, Imam Samudra and Ali Ghufron - had been framed: Abu Bakar Bashir.
Fool me twice 1-20 -Official release (BALI BOMBINGS/ETimor) Exposing the Australian government's lies about the East Timor massacres, the cover-up of the Bali bombings (including '93 WTC attack) and subsequent anti-terror legislation forced through parliament.
The Truth About Bali Bombings Part 1 REMIX Part One + Two: Que Bono. Who Benefited? The Bali Bombings were a direct US-Israeli response to the growing Peace marches and Anti War Movement in Australia that was ballooning at an alarming rate after 9-11 and after Bush announced he was waging illegal invasions. It also very quickly secured Indonesia's and Australia's subservience to the US and cemented involvement in the US led War on Terror, and subsequent illegal invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Part TWO: Who really Benefited from the Bali Bombings?
PART THREE: The Investigation(s) Or lack thereof The Primary man at the centre of the Bali investigations got warned off the scent by US Ambassador to Indonesia..
Part 4: The Truth About Bali Bombings Eye witness Testimony and memorial dedication..
Greens want Flood to front Bali inquiry
Greens Senator Bob Brown wants the author of a key report into Australia's, [alleged], intelligence agencies to appear before a Senate committee examining the Bali bombings.
Howard's Fox Defence Less The Evidence
[War criminal], Prime Minister John Howard says he does not regret, [?], sending Australian troops, [militants], to war, [on], Iraq, despite an, [alleged], finding by Philip Flood, his decision was based on "thin, ambiguous and incomplete" intelligence. But Howard had a strong case?
Community backs candidate wife's Bali claims
Cate Molloy says she holds sitting Liberal MPs accountable for the Bali bombings. Federal Labor Party candidate Ivan Molloy says he supports the sentiments of his wife, a Queensland state politician, who blames the Liberal Party for the 2002 Bali bombings.
Doom gloom and 'Boom' Downer shakes the room?
"Optimism is better and so is 'constructive feedback' because using constructive feedback means that the negatives also have a role in the construction of a nation. In short we have all the time in world to solve problems properly and that is what our leaders should be focusing on when they decide to inform all Australians. Hey what's the rush?" He said.
Hypocrisy not Democracy? No Blood for Oil!
Howard has refused to back down on the threat of war despite hundreds of thousands of Australians rallying against it. The question is why?
Red paper classes Australia as terrorist suspects
Australia's old foreign policy red paper says Australians have become targets because their own government is being run by war criminals that are complicit in state terror, torture, murder, occupation and genocide.
Australia backs CIA Reichstag, Downer's propaganda
The Foreign Affairs Minister says the latest message from Osama bin Laden is worrying. [Just plain rubbish!]
UK Reid, Blair and the reichstag London threat!
The nature of the [alleged] terrorist threat to London is on the scale of the [USA false flag] September 11 attacks in the United States, the chairman of Britain's governing Labour Party said.
Bin Laden calls? CIA blind man's bluff!
A [US propaganda, fear-mongering] taped message purportedly from Osama bin Laden has warned Arab nations against supporting a war against Iraq but has branded Saddam Hussein an infidel.
Australia's Terrorism Wake Up Call

Here was an opportunity to harden the hearts of the Australian and US public against Islamic fundamentalists. It was also a chance for the Indonesian government to justify harsh measures in the war against terrorists and secessionists, such at those in the province of Aceh.
In Australia, a heightened public awareness of the threat of terrorism on the mainland created an opportunity for the Feds to introduce draconian legislation that is designed to remove established rights and strengthen the powers of the authorities to ruthlessly crush all forms of dissent.
Eighty eight of the 202 fatalities resulting from the attack were Australian nationals. There were also many Australian casualties, some of these people will never fully recover from the horrendous burns they suffered. Oddly, many of the bodies of the victims of the atrocity could not be readily assembled into individual's remains, even with modern genetic and forensic technologies being available via the Australian Federal Police (AFP).
On March 1, 2003, some 185 body parts (not whole cadavers) were cremated in a ceremony at the Mumbul Cemetery. At that time it was stated that another 43 fragmentary remains were still held at the morgue, pending final disposition by the investigators.
There are reports that in one Balinese kampong that provided labour to the clubs in Kuta Beach, seven empty coffins were buried, because there were no identifiable remains of the missing workers. It was as if they had been vaporised. Scores of people, mainly locals, are thought to have disappeared without trace.
A Uniquely Terrible Event
The bombings at the American Consulate and Paddy's Bar were horrific enough, but the main blast, outside the Sari Club that was regularly patronised by Australians, was uniquely terrible. Despite the later impressions conveyed by Indonesian and Australian police investigators, the Sari bomb was not a typical van bomb.

The facts in this regard are verifiable and indisputable. That they contradict the official truth should surprise nobody. However, the alternative truth will undoubtedly further sadden the families of the many victims of that October night at Kuta Beach.
The following are eye witness reports and quotes culled from many published shortly after October 12, 2002.
Names are not used here, lest the memories again disturb families that are already deeply hurt by the cruel attack.
"The first blast sent hundreds of tourists and many local people rushing out of Paddy's onto the already crowded Legian street. Then the explosion outside the Sari went off with a much more powerful blast, shredding flesh and metal, hurling people and cars horizontally through the air."
Then the power cut...all the power went out. I didn't think bomb. I didn't think anything at that stage.
And then, probably, I'd say two seconds later, there was just the huge flash, and I was just covered in glass, put on the ground, and it just was like hell on earth."
"The sound seemed to get louder and quieter and it was all over the place. When I looked up to the sky. I found it to be a bright red ball with pure white smoke rising from it in mushroom form."
"It was AC/DC times 100. Then there was an unbelievable silence."
"I saw heaps of people burning and dying around me. It was an inferno. I saw one guy whose leg had been blown open - he couldn't walk - he was just lying there screaming. I saw another man with severe facial burns "
"It's the faces of the people you made eye contact with I'll never forget. For the ones you just passed on it's okay, but the ones you looked in their eyes, I can't get them out of my head, the blood down the faces, their fear."
"One woman had lost the whole bottom half of her body. A Balinese man was crawling up the lane. He had no feet. We took six people into the hotel where we could help them. We did everything we could for them. But how they suffered."
"Many of the wounds, especially burns were extreme. Injuries included fractures, head and chest injuries, respiratory problems, but overwhelmingly burns."
"Brave men were pulling out corpses at a rate of one every two minutes. All were charred beyond recognition, locked in poses which showed the agony of their dying. One was welded in a sitting position to what remained of a steel chair frame."
"...had been on the dance floor at the Sari. The blast injured her in both legs - one so badly it had to be amputated - and the fire burnt her severely. But she was alive, like scores of other Australians in the hospital."
"Some of them did not have IV fluid, their cannulas were not in properly. They had been put onto beds and just left there. They had urine and vomit and excreta all around them."
"Doctors conducted escharotomies, slicing through burnt skin on arms and legs to release pressure, saving the limbs. They used scalpel blades purchased from pharmacies by Australian volunteers. They had only the scalpel heads, not the blade holders. There was no morphine of pethidine and patients were given ibuprofen in a drip form, which can harm the kidneys. Patients felt the operation, many screamed in agony as it was conducted."
"The burns were dreadful. Some people had breathed in flame and cooked their internal organs."
"He died on me twice on the way to the airport. We got him onto the plane but sadly he died on the trip. One young girl died on the way to the airport. But we ended up evacuating 65 people from Sanglah Hospital."
"A young woman died on the tarmac at 3am. She was known only as Ms X as she had no family or friends with her."
"Inside the morgue, pieces of paper and information and jewellery were piled in boxes on the floor. An Australian volunteer kept running back to the crayon lists of dead and missing at the hospital's main entrance to try to give worried family members suggestions about what procedure to follow. But confusion reigned and there was absolutely no one in evidence from the Australian consulate or military to offer advice or authority."
"One burn patient demands a huge amount of attention if they're going to survive, particularly with the percentages we're talking about. Some of the burns we calculated were up to 70 percent-plus on the individual and quite a lot of them were full thickness burns and unfortunately not a lot of superficial burns."
"She had burns to the facial area, burns to the respiratory system, making breathing almost impossible and base of skull injuries producing brain swelling, making it very difficult for us to manage without appropriate equipment."
"While the federal Health Minister praised health authorities and workers (in Australia) for responding "magnificently" to the emergency, doctors compared their patients to victims of war."
NSW State Wide Severe Burns Unit chairman and Concord Hospital burn injury unit director Peter Haertsch said he had never seen civilian casualties like those he had operated on in the previous 24 hours.
"I've seen plenty of burns but I've not seen this combination of injury, it's something you wouldn't see in civilian life and it's something I haven't seen in 22 years of burns surgery."
Doctor Fiona Wood of the Royal Perth Hospital burns unit said that the debris, dirt and sheer velocity associated with the blast had combined to create the worst burns she had ever seen.
She said, "I've been training for 20 years for this. I've practised for it, but I never expected it."
The central governments of Indonesia and Australia did not exactly cover themselves with glory in the time immediately following the Bali bombing. Nor were they to distinguish themselves by the way the subsequent joint-investigation of the atrocity was handled. Put bluntly, the police and other officials involved in the latter fiasco should never, ever, be believed again. No matter what they say or do. Read on to discover why this is so.
Flaws In The Official Truth About 1012 - The Crater
While it is not possible to be sure of the real nature of the explosive device that was triggered outside the Sari Club, we can be sure of one thing.

It rates at zero on the Truth Scale.
The eyewitness reports of the way the second blast occurred, the nature of the burns suffered by victims, the complete vaporisation of scores of people - with no body parts remaining whatsoever, the incredible damage done to reinforced concrete structures, the large crater in the street outside the club, the known blast characteristics of potassium chlorate, and the laws of physics, all combine to totally refute the official truth concocted by the joint Indonesian-Australian investigation team.
In December, 2002, the Australian Federal Police Commissioner visited Bali and praised the investigators. He said, "The Indonesian National Police, from my perspective, have done an outstanding job. It has only been eight weeks since the bombings and already 15 people have been arrested. There are only five suspects outstanding." Jakarta Post Editor, Robert S. Finnegan, an internationally published investigative reporter with 20 years experience did not see it the same way. In an article in the Jakarta Post he had written the following.
* "A creeping sense of foreboding began soon after the forensics people and other investigators (inclusive of Insp. Gen. Made Pastika and his army of hundreds of supposedly top-notch investigators with virtually unlimited resources at their disposal) announced after only a week and a half that they were wrapping up their on-site work and retreating to the labs to analyse their findings. Astounding work, as it must have set a world record for crime scene forensic analysis.
Given the scope of the bombing and the sheer size of the primary and secondary blast areas - where traces from a plethora of different explosive compounds were swabbed from - this was a feat that escaped even the vaunted investigators working the World Trade Center crime scene in New York, who spent nearly a year literally sifting by hand for evidence at the site. It would appear that the teams on Bali possessed far superior skills and techniques...or was there something else responsible for their haste in wrapping up so quickly and then sending the rest of the evidence as quickly as possible to the bottom of the ocean off Bali?"
*"At this point in their investigation National Police Chief Gen, Da'i Bachtiar states for the record that 'traces of a chemical powder used in the bomb' were found in the van allegedly used to transport the large device. Even a cursory examination of the crater and primary site immediately following the bombings would make this statement laughable were it not for the circumstances.
If indeed the Mitsubishi L300 van was used in the large blast, the five-foot deep and twenty-foot wide crater indicates that it would have been completely vaporised, including the engine block which they apparently found intact - along with the victims who instantly vanished. Indeed this begs the question: Where did the investigators obtain this evidence in relation to the crater?
Is it possible that if the van survived the large blast it was because it was parked at the edge of the primary blast zone, packed with small amounts of all the explosives - whose traces were found at the sites - in order to throw off independent investigators?"
The size of the crater in the street outside the Sari Club is an undeniable fact, even though the investigating team quickly constructed a screen around the site and later excavated the hole, then filled in with clean earth. Many witnesses have reported the crater and estimated its size. It was also photographed by many people (see above picture).
Independent analysts have pointed out that there are only two ways that a bomb can cause a crater.
a) It is dropped from an aircraft and penetrates the ground before exploding.
b) It is physically positioned in a sub-surface position, such as a storm drain.
The Omagh car bomb detonated in Northern Ireland in 1998 was composed of a mixture of fertiliser, fuel oil and the high-explosive Semtex. This 500lb device killed 29 people, but it did not cause a crater of any sort. The first atomic bomb dropped from an aircraft and exploded above the city of Hiroshima in 1945, did not cause a crater either. This latter device weighed 4 tons and had an energy equivalent of 12.5 kilotons of TNT, but it simply caused a dome shaped blast wave above ground.
It is clear that there is no possibility that any amount of explosives contained in a parked van could have accounted for the large crater at the main blast site. Only a device that had been placed in a drain or otherwise buried could have been responsible for the large hole in the street. The specialist bomb site investigators from the Indonesian National Police and the Australian Federal Police must have known these facts. They presumably excavated the crater and dumped the soil at sea because the evidence did not fit the story that was being developed as the official truth about the terrible Bali bomb. Once the soil was gone and the hole was filled in with fresh material, nobody would photograph the crater and nobody would test the soil (Why else would it be removed?). Then the world would soon forget that the crater ever existed.
Flaws In The Official Truth About 1012 - The Explosives
Everyone is aware that a bomb generates a blast wave. The force of the blast is dependent on the type of explosive used as well as other factors such as how the explosive is placed or delivered. There are conventions for measuring the speed and force of blast waves. Overpressure is the force that a blast wave exerts over and above normal atmospheric pressure. It is normally stated in pounds per square inch. The velocity of the wave may be expressed in feet per second. The figures relating to the blast waves that particular explosives generate are well known. Every specialist bomb investigator, and many other police and military personnel, know the values off by heart. They don't even have to look them up. These specialists are also well aware of the levels of damage that various overpressure values cause to structures and victims in their path.
When a qualified investigator looks at the aftermath of a bomb explosion the first facts that register in their mind relate to the level of damage evident in surrounding structures and the nature of the injuries suffered by victims of the blast. Even before traces of explosive are found and analysed these indications can tell a specialist what combinations of explosives and what size of device might have been responsible. Any competent forensic scientist with a knowledge of explosives characteristics can also tell, with absolute certainty, what types of device and combinations of explosives could not have done the damage.
It is important to realise that larger amounts of an explosive don't result in a higher overpressure, only in a greater radius of damage. Doubling the amount of a chemical explosive, such as C4, will not result in extra damage near ground zero, it will simply widen the circle of damage that is possible from C4's overpressure. Blast damage is caused in accordance with one of the most important laws of physics, Newton's inverse square law. If one knows the overpressure of the explosive or combination of explosives used, and the radius of the circle of damage, the amount of explosive required can be determined by simple mathematics.
The investigators from the Indonesian and Australian governments were faced with incontrovertible evidence of a massive blast outside the Sari Club. None of the explosives available to local Islamic terrorists could cause the structural damage and injuries, including truly terrible burns that were evident after the blast. The specialist investigators from both countries would have realised this. However they were obviously not permitted to say so. Instead, they made a number of feeble attempts to lay the blame on a primitive low explosive detergent bomb that Amrozi confessed to manufacturing and deploying. This did not fool independent investigators, nor should it have. Nobody with even the most basic understanding of explosives would believe the lies.
Here is what Robert S. Finnegan wrote in the Jakarta Post.
* "Day after day, investigators trotted out different explosives and combinations of explosives purportedly responsible for the blasts. In addition to C4 and RDX there was now TNT, Ammonium Nitrate, HMX, Semtex, PETN, Chlorate and napalm. Everything but the kitchen sink."
* "..had the originators of the napalm theory studied up on the material before opening their mouths they would have known that napalm leaves a sticky, smelly residue on everything, including the victims. This was not in evidence at the blast site or the Sanglah burn ward and morgue, where the burn victims were taken."
* "Let us look at three of the explosives claimed by official investigators to have been used in the bombings, starting with the compound that has the lowest velocity of detonation in feet per second (FPS) which is Potassium Chlorate at 3,500 FPS; compared to 12,000 FPS for Ammonium Nitrate and diesel and finally 27,800 FPS for RDX.
In simple terms, at any given distance from ground zero these different explosive compounds will exert pressure in pounds per square inch. Damage to people and structures are a result of this pressure in varying degrees depending on the velocity of detonation. Even if RDX were used, the amount needed to cause the level of destruction in evidence at the crime scene should have been in excess of anything available through even the military, who denied possession of the explosive."
* "With the police claiming (off and on) that Amrozi, Mukhlas and Samudra (who allegedly at one point denied involvement in the Bali bombings) were the perpetrators of the blasts, then why do the official investigators not know EXACTLY the type of device used in the main bombing and its precise composition? To put it quite simply, how can we have a bomber or bombers in the absence of a bomb?"
The overpressure values, in pounds per square inch (PSI), of the blast waves produced by the three explosives that Finnegan refers to are: 2 PSI for Potassium Chlorate, around 4 PSI for Ammonium Nitrate and diesel, and 10 PSI for RDX - the most powerful high-explosive touted in regard to the main device at Kuta beach.
Flaws In The Official Truth About 1012 - Damage To Structures
The known effects of overpressure on structures and people are summarised below.
At 1 PSI overpressure: Window glass shatters. Light injuries from fragments occur. Persons knocked down by blast wave. Typical houses made uninhabitable.
At 3 PSI overpressure: Residential structures collapse. Unreinforced masonry or brick walls are destroyed. Rupture of oil storage tanks. Serious injuries are common, fatalities may occur.
At 5 PSI overpressure: Most buildings collapse, except for concrete reinforced buildings. Injuries are universal, fatalities are widespread.
At 10 PSI overpressure: Reinforced concrete buildings are severely damaged or demolished. Severe lung and heart damage occurs. Many people are killed. At 20 PSI overpressure: Heavily built concrete buildings are severely damaged and demolished. Limbs can be blown off. Fatalities approach 100%.
At 80 PSI overpressure: Even heavily reinforced concrete is heavily damaged. Skulls are crushed, fatalities are total.
These effects are indicative. In practice physical features such as hills, basements, etc, can shield both people and structures from the blast wave.

The first atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 created a blast wave with a detonation velocity of almost 100,000 FPS and an overpressure of 600 PSI, yet some buildings in the vicinity of ground zero survived and so did some people, although most later died from radiation sickness.
Why look at overpressure values and blast wave velocities in the nuclear range? Because the probability that the main explosion outside the Sari Club was indeed nuclear has been raised by several independent analysts, and it has also been raised and debated in the Indonesian parliament, as the following report makes clear.
"On Monday 18 November, Indonesian Parliamentary Speaker Amien Rais said he questioned the validity of the police conclusion that Amrozi was the main perpetrator of the Bali bombings which claimed more than 187 lives. Rais was supported by Deputy House Speaker A. M. Fatwa who stated, "My conscience says that he is not a key actor. I don't believe that Amrozi has the capability to make all kinds of preparations for the bombings, like setting off a kind of nuclear bomb in Bali."
"These pointed observations by two of the most powerful politicians in Indonesia, designed to counter deliberate Australian police and media disinformation about the bombing in Kuta Beach, were then recorded verbatim in the official Indonesian parliamentary transcripts. A wide range of media outlets in Asia and the Middle East reported Rais and Fatwa's comments, which were predictably ignored in Australia and America."
Concrete Was Stripped From Reinforcing Steel
A key indication of the force of the main blast is found in photographic evidence and eyewitness accounts of damage to a reinforced concrete building that was 50 feet from ground zero.

* "Composition 4 [C4] is pretty dull stuff. Only 1.2 times as powerful as TNT, this plastic explosive gained its reputation primarily because of its flexibility in use. You can shape it any way you like, and stick it wherever you want, including underwater, with little personal risk. ...the giant oily fireball that always accompanies its detonation on television is not real. The giant oily fireball is a special pyrotechnic effect designed specifically to satisfy the 'armchair soldier' lurking inside many television viewers. Real C4 contains no incendiary materials at all ...."
* "Indonesian police explosives expert Colonel Zainuri Lubis, blandly claimed the bomb was composed of 'chlorate, black powder and TNT' , which were 'mixed together'. Colonel Lubis is a genuine explosive expert [unlike Amrozi and Australian Federal Police Director of Counter Terrorism, Tim Morris] who smiled broadly throughout his media interview, and seemed to be deliberately misleading the western media lobby confronting him. For many months now, most Indonesian media and the official Indonesian Parliamentary Records in Jakarta, have recorded the reality of a nuclear blast at Kuta Beach. No details of which have managed to find their way into the western press. So Colonel Zainuri Lubis gave the latest western media pack an idiot composition to pass on to its idiot viewers.
Along with every other explosive expert on earth, colonel Lubis knows very well that you cannot mix sharp potassium chlorate crystals with sensitive black powder particles. ...The split-second 'the bomber' started mixing, the sharp chlorate crystals would create immense friction across the surface of the black powder particles, which would then react violently by either exploding or burning furiously, depending on particle size." However, Amrozi and his 'accomplices' have now 'confessed' to accomplishing the impossible, using the ingredients that the Indonesian police have stated to have comprised the main Bali bomb.
* "The claim that the Bali bomb was made from potassium chlorate [the variant stolen in Java] is pure idiocy. ..Yes you can make a crude weapon from 90% potassium chlorate and 10% paraffin , but it is an incredibly slow and entirely low-explosive. Provided the weapon did not detonate prematurely [a real risk with this unstable compound] four hundred pounds of potassium chlorate and paraffin slurry with a Power Gel initiator might make a mess of Kuta Beach high street, but it could manage little else."
* "So are members of the Australian investigative team now prepared to say exactly which explosives were used to make the Bali bomb? Well, no, they have now fallen atypically silent, apart from making irrelevant and inane remarks about the bombers having 'amazing chemical skills' and 'the ability to build very sophisticated weapons.' And for the first time in many weeks, these same investigators have suddenly decided to wear full-length protective clothing, including face masks and airtight hoods."
* "Yesterday it was discretely announced that the contents of the crater, and other debris from the bomb site would be disposed of far out to sea, as a final step in the 'Hindu cleansing process.' The fact that no Hindu cleansing process known to man requires that nuclear-contaminated waste be buried far out to sea, seems to have escaped media attention.
Late yesterday the diggers started work, frantically removing structures from Kuta high street before they could be subjected to proper investigation by suspicious politicians in Jakarta. The first target of this combined mechanical assault was the building shown in the pictures above with the exposed reinforcing bar, an embarrassing monument perpetually proving the nuclear nature of the blast. Not any more it isn't, with trucks swiftly removing the rubble for tasteful religious burial far out to sea."
* "To cause the actual damage photographed at the crime scene in Bali, we must have a weapon with a compound yield and velocity of detonation fast enough to ensure one million pounds per square inch of retained pressure fifty feet from ground zero. There is only one weapon in the world compact enough to perform this staggering trick. A micro nuke..."
Similarities To Hiroshima- Blast And Searing Burns
Both in terms of structural damage and the horrendous nature of the burns and injuries suffered by victims and survivors alike, there are strong similarities between the Bali Megablast and the Hiroshima atomic bomb blast of 1945.

Just as they are the offspring of those who fought in the conflict that spawned the first atomic attack, some 57 years ago, the likely mini-nuke exploded at Kuta Beach would be a descendent of the original 'Little Boy'.
That 'weapon' killed 140,000 civilians, many of them women and children, at the time of the cruel attack. The radiation legacy of Little Boy was then responsible for the deaths of as many innocents again, during the years of torment that followed its dreadful blast.

Einstein was a sane, compassionate man. He must surely be turning in his grave in despair of the persistent inhumanity and insanity of central government 'leaders', with their taker based mindsets, who keep repeating the same mistakes, year upon year, without remorse or even an understanding that what they do is against the teachings of every religion ever adopted by members of the human race. Except one. The religion of power and control achieved through a combination of artificial scarcity and brutal force. It's called industrial capitalism, and like the A Bomb, it was perfected if not invented, by Uncle Sam.

The vicinity of Kuta Beach would have been razed clean, except for a few heavily built reinforced concrete buildings, like the one in the stripped reinforcing photo above.However, the blast characteristics would be similar to those of the modern back-pack mini-nuke of the present day.
The first of the 'Bali or Hiroshima?' images above is a scene from Hiroshima. The second 'Bali or Hiroshima?' picture is of damage done in Bali.

"An unseen circuit closed and a primer fired, then one millionth of a single second later, a terrible fireball formed under the street. Less than six inches in diameter and burning at a staggering 300,000 degrees centigrade, the fireball was a perfect shimmering sphere, made possible by 99.78% Plutonium 239. ...Five microseconds passed while this fission monster from hell expanded, then the already cooling fireball tore its angry way out into the street above, vaporising all victims standing within thirty feet while simultaneously spreading two tons of deadly microscopic roadbed shrapnel in a lethal arc across Kuta Beach. Every survivor standing in direct line-of-sight of its awesome ultraviolet emission received terrible flash burns, the like of which three eminent Australian burns surgeons would later claim on TV they 'had never seen before.'

Author's Note:
The above passage is taken from the web site of an author who has done valuable research and provided important commentary on the Bali Megablast and other topics such as 911. However, I am not persuaded by this individual's evidence regarding the perpetrators of the Bali atrocity. For this reason speculative assertions that it was all put together by Zionists intent on ruling the world, have been omitted from the excerpts from that site.
In my considered view the available authentication for the Zionists theory is low, probably no more than step 2 on the Truth Scale. Israel would seem to have its hands full in its own region, and there is no history of it having made any attempt to gain political and economic dominance in Asia. On the other hand there is ample evidence that the US has done so in Indonesia and surrounding countries for many decades.
Thus, I consider that the Bali culprits are most likely to have been the CIA, working with high-level Indonesian military and political interests, and strongly aided and supported by super-fascists in Australia at the highest levels of the government and media. Presently, this likelihood is assessed as step 6 on the Truth Scale.
Flaws In The Official Truth About 1012 - The Power Failure
The type of bomb that Amrozi is alleged to have built would not affect the power in Kuta Beach. At least, not unless it was detonated in a sub-station instead of a van parked in the set-down area outside the Sari Club. But there was a power outage. It was widespread, and it occurred between the first and second blasts. That is, after the bomb in Paddy's Bar and immediately before the main blast outside the Sari Club. Remember what one eyewitness described.
* "I got about 30 meters down the street and then I heard one blast and I thought, 'What was that?'
Then the power cut...all the power went out. I didn't think bomb. I didn't think anything at that stage.
And then, probably, I'd say two seconds later, there was just the huge flash, and I was just covered in glass, put on the ground, and it just was like hell on earth."
The above description was not made by any old Australian tourist in Kuta Beach that night. It was a first-hand report by an Australian Army Officer, Captain Rodney Cocks. He was on leave in Bali from a posting as a UNMO in East Timor. Besides being a highly credible witness in respect of the sequence of events, Captain Cocks happens to have received specialist explosives training in the Australian army. In describing the injuries, the blast and the crater it left in the street, Captain Cocks said the following.
* "I've done demolitions courses with the Army and it was bigger than anything I've ever blown up in my time, and I've done a bit."
* "I was very lucky, I think I got a few cuts on my feet but nothing major. I was wearing shorts, T-shirt and thongs at the time. I consider myself one of the luckiest people alive, I really do."
* "By the time I picked myself up there were already people moving out away from the scene. I picked one girl up there - she had burns all over her body, so I grabbed her. I later heard she'd been assessed as having burns to 95% of her body and that she hadn't survived her injuries"
* "We regrouped. got our people, helped the people we could, which, you know, was just bloody impossible, there were just so many people injured."
* "I grabbed my phone, my head torch, my passport and my Army ID. The other guys did as well. From there..we started treating other people. At that stage I came across an Australian Army sergeant from 1RAR, he was on leave from Butterworth. He was pretty badly injured and we got him off to hospital and later evacuated back to Townsville."
* Of the scene at the hospital he said:
"That was just an absolute nightmare. There's just bodies everywhere, blood everywhere, just death and destruction everywhere and just so many Australians..."
* Of the morgue:
"The bodies were just...the floor was littered with burnt corpses. it was just awful...some of these bodies you couldn't tell, you know, whether they were male of female, young, old, Indonesian, Australian..."
* Of the scene of the blast, next morning:
"You need a lot of bang to get through and make that sort of hole. That second bomb was huge."
Captain Cocks' account of the events that night is vitally important for more reasons than his military training and ability to assess explosives damage. His eye-witness record of the power cut just prior to the main blast gives a clear indication of the nature of the weapon. When a nuclear device goes critical, before it explodes, a Source Region Electromagnetic Pulse [SREMP] is emitted. The resultant overload of electrical grids and circuits in the region of the device is one of its telltale signatures, along with the nature of the blast damage and the horrific flash and radiation burns inflicted on victims. The following excerpts are from sources that describe the electromagnetic effects of a nuclear weapon.
* "The pulse travels through all mediums at the speed of light."
* "Enormous induced electric currents are generated in wires, antennas and metal objects....Commercial electrical grids are immense EMP antennas and would be subjected to voltage surges far exceeding those generated by lightning, and over vastly greater areas."
The fact that Captain Cocks' account of the power failure in Kuta Beach seconds before the megablast outside the Sari Club appeared on the front page of the Australian Army Newspaper and on the Australian Army web site, was not what someone in Canberra wanted. It is reported that the Army was instructed to remove the article, with its description of an SREMP effect given by a credible Army officer, from the Army web site, on ministerial orders. Apparently, it was duly removed but reinstated on the countermanding order of a very senior officer. As of the time of researching this matter, August 2003, the account by Captain Cocks was still to be found on the official Australian Army web site, but it was by then in the archives area.
As for Captain Cocks, he was without doubt one of the luckiest men on the street on the night of the Bali Mini-Nuke atrocity. By chance, it appears that when he left Paddy's Bar and walked towards an Internet Cafe, he positioned himself in the 'null zone' below the rising diagonal blast vector of the bomb in the storm drain. This freakish timing could have saved him from the searing white flash that followed the SREMP blackout as a probable mini-nuke went critical below the surface of the street. Fate preserved the life of a man who was not only qualified to assist the victims of the blast, but to provide authentic and documented evidence of the SREMP effect, and thus of the true nature of the main device.
This was not a crude detergent van bomb, as both the Indonesian and Australian investigators have claimed. It seems to have been a truly terrible contraption that was directly descended form the 'Little Boy' atomic weapon that the US dropped on the women and children of Hiroshima, in 1945.
Nuclear Demolition Munitions - An Evil Madness Continues
The design and construction of nuclear munitions does not qualify as 'science' or 'technology'. It is insanity. Daniel Quinn has shown that the absolute need to conquer and exterminate all possible rivals, the need to 'conquer' the land, and to bend nature to the rule of man, all derive from core taker thinking. Takers always fear attack because their own philosophy is one of growing rich and powerful through attacks, whether military or economic. Takers progress by either killing or enslaving 'them', 'the ones who are not with us.' Conversely, takers live is constant fear of attack from competitors for the scarce energy and resources of planet Earth. They build vast armouries of increasingly dreadful weapons to deploy against 'the other side'. When there are no evident enemies to fear - no 'other side' - taker states and their media machines will quickly invent some. Takers then use such contrived 'threats' to justify their own growing stockpiles of WMDs.
In this fear driven context the US has continued to develop nuclear munitions, despite the fact that it already has by far the greatest stockpiles of these inhuman weapons. Details of the latest devices are kept secret, 'in the national interest'. However it is possible for ordinary citizens to know what nuclear munitions their elected representatives and the military-industrial complex of their nation have developed in the past. The following excerpts are based on sources that draw from declassified US military documents.
* "It was not long before the scientists realised that in creating the tiny core weapon for the hydrogen bomb, they had also created a relatively lightweight micro nuclear weapon that could be carried by a single soldier for various uses against high value targets, including hydroelectric power stations and bridges."

* "The smallest nuclear weapon the US produced was the 'Davy Crockett' - a recoilless rifle round. It weighed about 51 pounds, was 16 inches long and 11 inches in diameter. It produced a variable yield of up to 1 kiloton."
* "The standard SADM that evolved would eventually have a core of Plutonium 239 encased in a thin shell of non-fissile Uranium 238 known as a neutron reflector."
* "When the 10-ton TNT equivalent SADM went critical, it obviously created far less radiation than the huge and inappropriately named 'Little Boy' at Hiroshima, but still produced dangerously high levels of residual radiation. Most of this came from SADM's very 'dirty' Uranium 238 reflector, which along with its Plutonium 239 core, exploded into millions of particles at the point of criticality. This same non-fissile Uranium 238 material still causes serious illnesses today, after being fired by American tanks and aircraft as sub-critical Depleted Uranium [DU] shells or missile warheads."
* "The soviets supposedly produced 'suitcase nukes' and there is no reason to doubt this assertion. Former Soviet General Ledbed has asserted that a number of these are not accounted for. There are reasons, however, to doubt his assertions given his political position."
There is speculation, and it seems to be nothing more than that, which suggests that Israel developed a smaller and far cleaner micro-nuke, around about 1981.
In their book, The Mini-Nuke Conspiracy, authors Peter Hounam and Peter McQuillan allege that when F. W. de Klerk admitted, in 1993, that the apartheid regime had built six atomic bombs, he neglected to mention a project in which South Africa has also built mini-nukes, hand holdable devices, with help from Israel, the US and Britain.
In a report on Israel's nuclear armaments, produced by a US Army officer in 1999, there is a reference to: "A complete repertoire (neutron bombs, nuclear minis, suitcase bombs, submarine borne weapons)".
However, it is even more likely that the US military has upgraded their stock of miniaturised nuclear munitions during the past 20 years. The most likely source of the Bali device is the US, and the most probable agency to deploy it against the civilians at Kuta Beach that evening, is the CIA.
But, the question of who committed the 1012 atrocity is less important than the realisation that the underlying motivation for such acts stems from taker mindsets. We will not see an end to the preparedness of nation states to build and use WMDs until the greater proportion of the populations of these countries have learned to think differently.
The most fundamental change in thinking must come from an understanding that in conditions of abundance, made possible by new technologies, the whole taker mentality can and must be discarded. Further, tens of millions of enlightened citizens who recognise this new reality must withdraw their support from the increasingly fascist regimes of the OWO, and create new centres of abundance. The vast majority of scientists and technologists in the developed world must want to live and act as leaver-givers, and work to raise the living standards of the five and a half billion needy people on the earth. Only then will the madness stop.
Amrozi's Future In Florida
Many of the relatives and friends of the young Australians who died in the 1012 atrocity returned to Indonesia for the trial of Amrozi bin Nurhasyim and his fellow accomplices. All were seeking 'justice' and closure of their grief. Some hoped to slake their rage and satisfy a primal desire for revenge. None of these witnesses to the trial and sentencing of Amrozi realised that they were being cruelly deceived.
When Chief Judge I Made Karna read out the guilty verdict and the sentence on Amrozi he said, "The action of the defendant, an act of terrorism that goes against the order of civilised men." The learned judge was right about the crime, but wrong about the guilt of Amrozi. The case against the simple motorcycle mechanic from a small village in East Java had been artfully concocted by elements within the Indonesian government, to mask the guilt and the identities of the real perpetrators.
The following are some independent excerpts regarding the 'admissions' of Amrozi.
* "It was late on Wednesday 15 November, just one day after the special Hindu cleansing ceremony of the Bali bombsite in Kuta Beach, that the local Indonesian police chief thoughtfully paraded 'prime suspect' Amrozi in front of the assembled media pack. The fact that Amrozi was clearly disoriented, rambling, as high as a kite on drugs and separated from western journalists by a thick glass wall, was apparently not a problem for our sacred guardians of the truth."
* "Despite the obvious audio impediments and complete lack of direct access, Australian and Singaporean media outlets were nonetheless able to 'accurately' interpret Amrozi's muffled and garbled mixture of Javanese and Indonesian, to mean that he confessed to killing nearly 300 people in Kuta Beach, with a minivan full of potassium chlorate detergent stolen from Java."
* "Not only that, but as Amrozi peered hopefully through a thick psychedelic haze to wave cheerfully at the television cameras, we were further asked to believe he claimed to enjoy killing people, wanted to kill some more, and in particular wanted to kill lots of Americans. So thick was the psychedelic fog surrounding him, Amrozi completely forgot that the punishment for 'confessing' to such crimes in Indonesia is death by firing squad."
Well, actually, Amrozi had probably not forgotten the death penalty. If he did not have a 'deal' by then he surely would have by the time he stood trial. This deal would have been along the standard lines used by the CIA in countless cases and countries around the world. "You do what we tell you to do and say what we tell you to say, and in return we'll give you a new identity and a new life in the USA." What could anyone like Amrozi say, but "OK, it's a deal"?

What about the firing squad? Won't they kill Amrozi? No, most probably not. Executions in Indonesia are always carried out behind the walls of a prison, the public are not invited. The victims are always hooded. So, the authorities can shoot any poor wretch they like, while Amrozi is winging his way to Florida and a new career as America's newest fast food entrepreneur.
Amrozi's substituted execution will not be at all exceptional. Similar switches seem to have occurred before in Indonesia, and in Thailand.
By Lothar 2003
Toll From Deadly, Coordinated Mumbai Attacks Tops 170, Two Top Indian Officials Resign, Tensions Rise Between India and Pakistan
VIJAY PRASHAD: Good morning Amy. It is very unclear why this happened. I think we would be speculating if we tried to be, you know completely-–without contradictions and without any sort of unease when saying exactly what happened. But why this is called Mumbai’s 9/11 is another question. Right when this was occurring, the relationship between 9/11 and Mumbai began to be made by the media.
You know its become something of a cliché now. Anytime there is any attack they start to say this is our 9/11. You know whether it is the attack in London or the attack and Indonesia, everybody claims a terrorist attack now as their 9/11. There is something ominous about this. It means the state has to then follow the playbook laid out by the Bush Administration right after it experienced of course its 9/11. Which is to say you then go and start a war against an adversary that you claim did the attack and simultaneously, you begin to create a security apparatus inside your state to restrict the civil liberties of all people who live within that country.
So 9/11 or branding something as 9/11 has come to have these two aspects. One, go to war against somebody without any kind of full police investigation that is decisively shown us who has done the act. So one, a foreign war, secondly, what you might even consider to be a war against your own population. Where you start to restrict civil liberties far in excess of anything necessary. And of course, always fighting the last terrorist attack. So you build up this enormous apparatus of restrictions which is dealing with the previous attack against population and not trying to forecast the safety of the population into the near future. That is why the media started to talk about Mumbai’s 9/11.
The third reason is, the media had not really called any of the other attacks in Mumbai, and there have been many since 1992, 9/11, precisely because most of those attacks the have taken place in areas which afflicted the working poor, working-class, and middle-class people. This attack, for the first time, targeted places of the top elite. Very expensive hotels, leading restaurants, and this therefore, brought this kind of assault into the bedrooms, into the restaurant of the elite. And they found then that this is their 9/11. The other attacks were not called 9/11. There were the kind normal conditions of suffering borne by ordinary people in places like Bombay. So for these reasons, the media ratcheted up the rhetoric about this being Mumbai’s 9/11.
Arundhati Roy: 9 Is Not 11 (And November Isn't September) As comparisons between the attacks in Mumbai and the September 11th attacks continue to be made, Indian officials unveiled a massive revamp of the country’s security and anti-terror infrastructure last week. I am joined now by someone who warns of the dangers of comparing the attacks in Mumbai to the attacks in New York: award-winning novelist, essayist and activist, Arundhati Roy. Her latest article is called “9 Is Not 11 (And November Isn’t September).” It was published in India’s Outlook magazine, Britain’s Guardian newspaper, and on here in the United States.